About Poster Printing
Poster Printing is a small business doing awesomely-big things in the world of large format printing. That said, we're also very well hooked up in the print world and can make quality referrals to other printing companies if you requirements don't fit our capabilities. We're here to help you and sometimes that means we refer you to someone more suitable. We're nice like that.
Our team are all rather nice people; except for Rob. He can get grumpy sometimes, though we put this down to old age. His experience comes in handy though, so we keep him around.
We don't throw down poster printing price lists, as this crazy industry of ours changes all the time. What appears to be a good price today, is over-priced tomorrow. For this very reason we price things up on the fly for you. It takes a smidge longer, but ensures you get the best. If you can wait, you'll get to work with awesomely-rad people and also get good prices. Great, huh!
Now that you've been wow'd by this quick "about us" page, request a quote and put us to the test. Go on - we dare you!